
Saturday, 7 May 2011

How To Order Fast Food In Japan

Ordering from fast food restaurants in Japan can be a complicating and confusing process if you don't speak or understand Japanese. The following steps I provide will help you if you find yourself in this situation.
Step 1: 
Get in a queue, when your turn comes, firstly they would say to you "Kochirade omeshiagaridesuka?" (For here?), if you want it here you can say "Hai" (Yes) or if you don't "Mochikaeride onegaishimasu" (To go please). Next, they would say "Gochumon o douzo" (What is your order?), in which you can point out what you want to order. Some fast food chains have an English menu, so you can ask "Eigo no menu arimasuka?" (Do you have an English menu?). 

Step 2: 
You will be asked "Setto ni shimasuka?" (Do you want a meal set?), in which usually you will pick fries and a drink (generally M size), so if you want the set, you can say "Hai" (Yes) or if you want it singly, you can say "Tampin de onegaishimasu" (I want it by itself). Also, if you want to make it L size, you can say "L saizu ni shitekudasai" (Can I make it L size?).

Step 3:
When you pay for your order, one of two things can happen. Either they will say "Kochirade omachikudasai" (Please wait here) or "Achirade omachikudasai" (Please wait over there), in which you would have to step aside and wait for your order.

Step 4:
After getting your food, you can request the following things: 
"Kechappu onegaishimasu" (Ketchup, please)
"Fukuro o onegaishimasu" (A bag, please)



Anonymous said...

What do you say when you just want the burger/sandwich and not the set?

Anonymous said...

if you want it singly, you can say "Tampin de onegaishimasu" (I want it by itself).