
Monday 16 May 2011


McDonald's in Japan has its own unique menu. Mega series would be particularly interesting, if you notice how small general Japanese food is. So, you may think bigger food wouldn't be popular in Japan. On the contrary, it is so popular. As you can see that Mega series has been a huge hit in Japan. I'm not only talking about McDonald's, even normal restaurants, nowadays, have "Mega portions", and they have been broadcast on so many TV programmes.

Ariel view of the box

Anyways, I would like to introduce MEGA MAC from McDonald's today. Basically, it's a bigger Bic Mac containing 3 buns, 4 meat patties, onion, lettuce, pickles, 1 slice of cheese and sauce.  It's got 775 kcal using 100% Australian and New Zealand beef.

Taste wise, it's exactly same as Bic Mac but it's definitely thicker. MEGA MAC will surely make your stomach satisfied. 


Limited time only

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