Buying contact lenses in Japan is not as complicated as you think, but when you don't speak Japanese, it would be a disaster. There are some tips you could use when you try to get some.
NHI card or any health insurance card
Contacts (if you have made in your country)
Step 1: Go to the nearest contact lense store
Ask at the counter about making contact lenses (コンタクトレンズ). You will have to have a doctor check your eyes if you are able to wear contacts. You might have to move to a different counter to get checked. Then, you will be asked to show your health insurance card.
Step 2: Getting checked
You will have several eye checks besides doctor's examination by staff. They will test your eyesight by some machine, and then they will try to find the best level for you by an eye chart.
・Up (ue)
・Down (shita)
・Right (migi)
・Left (hidari)
Step 3: Trial
Upon choosing your contacts, you will get to try several brands. There are One-day, Two-week, One-month and regular contacts. Consider well, and if you can, ask for the recommendation.
Step 4: Payment and Receiving
Pay for the eye examination which is usually no higher than 500 yen. Then, you will pay for the contact lenses, and you will receive them. Note; sometimes they have to order for your contacts in case they don't have them in stock.
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